

Oct 18 2011

DH dating service

There’s a DH person or two at every school, kinda isolated, sad.

They need to collaborate with other DH people at other schools. For lots of reasons.

Let’s make a platonic DH dating service. You put your interests in a database and you get a recommendation of a project or people to work with or on.

Outcome: a plan for such a database or recommendation service

About the author


I try to understand teaching and learning and organize people to collaboratively identify related challenges and develop and test experimental solutions

Permanent link to this article: http://newengland2011.thatcamp.org/10/18/dh-dating-service/


  1. Adam Lipkin

    Would HASTAC qualify for this?

  2. elizabethcornell

    HASTAC does seem to provide this kind of service. Anyone can join and it’s free.

  3. Siobhan Senier

    this is a BRILLIANT idea

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